The stairwell area leading to the radiation therapy department
Woman in Red – The Secret Garden is screened in the waiting area
Woman in Red – The Secret Garden
Still from The Secret Garden
Woman in Red
Artist Film
Woman in Red –The Secret Garden, is an artist film created as part of Maria Dubin's site-specific artwork, The Secret Garden for Rigshospitalet, the main hospital in Denmark.
‘Colours, lighting design, and music aim to create a more pleasant environment for patients and their relatives at Rigshospitalet, the main hospital in Copenhagen. The stairwell area leading to the radiation therapy section of the hospital has been transformed into a unique work of art designed specifically for the site. Composer Frederik Magle has created a piece of music that fills the room with a comforting ambience – while Maria Dubin's sensuous film, Woman in Red – The Secret Garden, can be viewed on a screen.’
– Bente Scavenius, Art Historian